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Solstice Ceremony

We gather in ceremony and celebration to honor the Summer Solstice on Saturday, June 17th on the mountain top in Marin.  Bring your family and friends or bring yourself. All ages and genders welcomed. 

 We open our hearts through cacao, Easy Breathwork™, sound healing, music, and somatic release with hands on assistance. 

 This gathering will be similar to the previous however with more music, sound, hands on assistance and meditation and less vocal instruction. 

 If you haven't had an intro to Easy Breathwork™ yet, join any Monday 6pm PT online class before the gathering if possible to get a hang of the technique. 

 This is an ongoing monthly series in harmony with the seasons. We gather in an outdoor location in nature as weather permits. Exact coordinates will be emailed the day before. Plan on it being in Marin. 

 Join us in this intimate gathering, hone your inspiration and calibrate your heart and nervous system.

The flow:

∞ Landing and grounding  ∞ 

∞ Activating cacao meditation ∞ 

 ∞ Easy Breathwork™ with hands on assistance  ∞

∞ Somatic integration with sound therapy ∞

Pricing:   $40

Youth 10 - 18yrs  $15
Children 10 & under Free

 Includes: Cacao, group sessions, and additional supplies.